Tuesday 28 February 2012

My ASB Unplugged Conference Summary

Big Ideas that I learned at ASB Unplugged Conference 2012
  1. Google Teacher Dashboard - http://hapara.com/ - Helps to organize classroom content generated in Google Apps. We have viewed it and put into place for a trial at SAS but I got a chance at the conference to see it in place by the students and teachers. It really makes the ability to work in Google Apps so much easier for both students and teachers. After leaving the conference, I wondered how users at the school use google apps for non-class use (clubs, teacher committees, ect) and if that is also done in Teacher Dashboard.
  2. Idea of how to organize the tools we use at SAS into a ToolKit - into 3 levels:
    • Tools that are central for allcourses and used all the time
    • used to interact with students, to create content with students, or to assess students. These tools are used throughout the course.
    • Web 2.0 Tools
  3. Adopting the SAMR model to focus technology integration discussions with teachers.
  4. I really got lots from Presenter: Scott Klososky's Social and Mobile Technologies: A Catalyst for the Renaissance in Learning - His presentation is Here. My notes are Here.

Highlighted Videos
ACLU created this video to show big brother and privacy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-zh9fibMaEk
Anyone can upload content - Keenan Cahill - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lm_n3hg-Gbg

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