Friday 31 August 2012

Finally! Integration that I like!

My first 3 weeks of school have been devoted to a full blown technology integration projects. 10th grade English students were to create a Book Trailer of a summer reading book. Why do I  consider this integration?
  • The teachers involved identified what they wanted students to know and be able to do, FIRST
  • It was agreed that all students need the skills to be able to create a movie
  • All teachers of the grade agreed upon the final assessment of the project
  • Teachers learned how to create a project BEFORE it was introduced to students
  • Teachers shared the same project information, steps, rubrics with students
  • Every student in the grade was introduced to the skills, practiced them and used the skills in the project
  • Ethical use of images, sounds and video was a focus. Kids had to cite their media
Here are a few examples of some of my favorites!

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