Sunday 20 January 2013

Me Drawing? No Way...

My daughter, Dominique, had 4 weeks off for her Christmas holiday and in normal fashion she wanted to make sure that her time off was productive. She wanted to take an art class and I agreed that it might be fun to do with her. Earlier I had participated in an Apple Learning Academy, that was put on by Drawing by the Right-side of the Brain here in Singapore. I knew about drawing from the right-side of the brain from one of my favorite books by Daniel Pink called "A Whole New Mind - Why Right-brainers will rule the future." In his book, Daniel Pink talks about the attributes of the right brain leading us to be more creative, and the book also gives the readers hands on ideas, such as using Drawing with the Right Side of the Brain, to help sharpen these R-brain abilities.  I really liked the instructors, Nicola and Tricia, at the Learning Academy and their focus on brain research impressed me. I felt like doing a drawing course with them would be meaningful. I have never taken an Art class before and I would consider myself before this class not even able to draw stick figures well. By day five of the class, that all changed! You will see below my attempts.

Each day began with about an hour long chat that included L-Brain and R-Brain information. Nicola and Trish tried to help us to turn off our Left brain by doing things like drawing our hand without looking at what we were drawing and turning things upside down. We needed to let go, ignore the verbal chatter, judgement and preconceived ideas, labels and symbols. I really do believe that I was able to do this and I tapped into brain processes that I did not know was there before. As you will see below with my drawings, I was able to decently make them on white drawing paper, something that I thought I could never do.

I loved doing this course over my holiday and I believe I was successful. It was a special time with my daughter and I think I have learned something new about myself. I actually feel more confident about being creative. I now have a small sketch book to carry around and have been trying to draw for 20 minutes at a time and I have done it twice this week! I would highly recommend this course to anyone who has a desire to find their R-mode. You WILL be successful. To find out more, Nicola and Trish were recently interviewed here about the course. You can also go to their website.

Day 1 - Our first self portrait
This was my first drawing with a using a grid. My HAND!
Day 2 we had to draw a chair by just looking for the negative spaces.
Day 3 we drew a corner of the Art studio by using sightings, looking for angles and proportions.
Day 4 - A profile portrait of my daughter. I am not really happy with this one but my model was being a little difficult.

Day 5 - My Self- portrait

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