Monday 4 March 2013

Professional Learning Communities are great!

One area of positive change I have made in my school this year has been my involvement with the English 10 Professional Learning Community. This involvement led to one of the most generative experiences I have had as a tech coach.  The English 10 curriculum was already strong but the teachers were questioning how do students read, write, think and create differently in a digital age? Through collaboration things changed. The summer reading book talks moved to book trailers. Students narrative writing became digital storying telling projects. The unit of research involved using a site for gathering research in one place.
Why do I think that this is the best tech integration I have been a part of?

  • Professional Learning communities are excellent places for Tech coaches like myself to collaborate with teachers and help them understand how to effectively integrate digital literacy skills for student learning
My professional responsibility is to support, mentor and train teachers to improve students’ digital literacy and Professional learning communities in my school offer a powerful avenue for me to accomplish this.

 This is actually my Google Teacher Video that I made in a very short period of time. I submitted and did not get accepted. I do firmly believe in the work teachers are doing in their PLC's and I am looking forward to continue that work and the work I do with numerous Google applications.

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