Monday 15 April 2013

Harnessing Creativity with iLife and iWork Course

Over the past 10 weeks, I have been involved in a course designed to help teachers learn more about the Apple iLife and iWork suites. The focus of the course is to help understand how the programs can promote and harness creativity in the classroom. Something I have learned along the way in being involved with this course.

  • Being creative means that you purposefully make a choice to go with an element or direction in your work. If you are using technology as a tool for your work, if you do not know about those elements of the technology then it will be harder to harness creativity.
  • Visual literacy should be a part of every curriculum and we should help students to understand the meaning of being creative through images.
One of the last projects was using Garageband and making a podcast. Here is my latest attempt to harness my creativity:

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