Wednesday 24 April 2013

Innovative Teaching & Learning with Technology - Punya Mishra, Ph.D.

I got the opportunity to join in on a  workshop at the Centre for International Education at UWCSEA with Punya Mishra, Ph.d @punyamishra. The topic was for administrators to understand the TPACK Model. I knew about this model and was looking forward to learning more about how to implement it here at SAS. Here are some of the notes I took with @jayatwood and @jasoncone.

Image from

The first part of the day was thinking about learning in the 21st century.

  • What is 21st Century Learning Document synthesising all the different theories. 3 areas - To Know, To Value and To Act - need to have a balance in these 3 areas.
    • Foundational Knowledge (know) - content knowledged, ICT/Digital literacy, cross-disciplinary knowledge
      • What is the cost of foundational knowledge -- especially within an externally dictated curriculum
    • Humanistic Knowledge (value) - life/job skills (Self regulation skills), cultural competence, ethical/emotional awareness
    • Meta Knowledge (act)  - Problem Solving, critical thinking, communication / collaboration, creativity / innovation
  • Literacy - how you define it is important. It's not just traditional views -- includes visual and images.
  • Robert Sternberg at Oklahoma State University - Standardized scores are starting to be ou and Creativity is becoming a part of admissions requirements
  • Assessment - You must teach to the "test" - the problem is that the tests may not be worth teaching to
  • Finding the basics of 21st century skills to start conversations on to get people to start thinking - Where do you have these conversations?

    Technology integration/innovation/PD (TPACK)

    When the ETT is working with teachers, we need to frame our collaboration as we bring the TP and the teachers bring the PK so together we have it all!

    • Distance to the moon - using Audacity as a data tool
    • Representing educational tensions through images using Pixlr. Also use Pixlr for finding images of geometry transformations and translations
    • Dynagraphs Applets representing a function in a dynamic way - Geometry Sketch Pad and Geogebra
    • Xbox Kinect - Ireland and scratch -
    • Jackwei0831 - Kinect Math (YouTube playlist)

    Developing TPACK
    • Barriers
      • Time, expertise, access, resources, support
    • Levels of tech use in the classroom that is close to SAMR
      • Mechanical - USE
      • Meaningful - INTEGRATE
      • Generative - INNOVATE
    • Learning by Design
      • Give them a design problem and have them come up with an answer
      • Open ended problems
      • Diversity within the group - cross-disciplinary
    • Teaching & reflection
      • somewhat limited b/c you don't know what you don't know
    • Instructional modelling
      • Watching a model
      • Doesn't get people to internalize very well
    • Learning Activities
    • Using Deep Play to reflect on TPACK in micro/macro/reflecting ways
      • Using digicam to see world in a different way.
        • Find Letters
        • Finding faces.
        • Macro photo of the world
      • Testing misconceptions
        • Where does the ball fall? Tennis ball & video (e.g., Newton's 1st law)
      • understanding understanding using video
      • e.g., where does the condensation on Coke can come from?
      • Where do shadows come from?
      • How do we taste?
    • Ideas Generated by the group of Approaches that work...
      • How it's structured
        • PLCs - embedded w/ a group
        • How does it transfer back to the classroom?
        • Exemplary class -- Lab classroom, Observe, Debrief. Using Evernote & Explain Everything
        • Speed Dating - Appy Hour
        • Demo Slams
        • Student presentations at Lunch
        • Bootcamp Basics (including online)
        • Badges - Gamify
        • Twilight sessions - 3:30/4:30 to share expertise. Have to do a certain number per year. 3 phases. 1. Intro, 2. Share Practice, 3. Reflective and future planning
        • Teachers leading it -- they have credibility
        • Goal setting - shared w/ Ed Tech Team. Must be tied to overall school goals, commitments, DSLOs, etc...
        • As a school how do you reward it? How do you hire for it?
        • Teachers yearly reflect on what they are doing in the classroom to integrate technology
        • Action research toolkits provided to schools.
        • Getting DATA!! Helps to know what to offer.
        • Alcohol! Food!
        • Have students teach the integrated tool - ie iMovie
        • Don't teach the tool, have them do the activity which grounds it in context
      • How it's framed
        • Based around 21c Skills
        • NETS
        • Problems of practice

    Trans-disciplinary skills for creativity

    • One has to have deep knowledge in the discipline to be creative
    • Without the rock of knowledge genius has no foundation - Rosamund E. M. Harding
    • Where do the ideas of creative teachers come from?
      • Have interests outside of the classroom.
      • Passions are brought in which leads to creative teaching.
      • 7 habits key trans-disciplinary tools - perceiving, patterning, abstracting, embodied thinking, modeling, playing, synthesis

    Navigating leadership tensions

    • multilemma (multiple dilemmas)
    • Leadership is not just about solving problems
    • Leadership is about resolving dilemmas
    • Facebook learnings - Done is better than perfect, code wins the argument, the journey is 1% finished, move fast and break things, the journey is always 1% finished
    • If you can’t imagine anyone linking to what you are about to write, don’t write it.
      • e.g., the proposed Ed Tech PD model fits into this!!!

    Key Takeaways

    • Teachers need to be involved in their own Learning Development
      Using TPACK frame our (ETT) jobs.
    • Use, Integrate, Innovate as a model to assess lessons or the SAMR
    • TPACK = Planning and tech integration model. All lessons should be in the center or don't use it. In the center = meaningful
    • SAMR = evaluative on how your using technology. Each lesson can be at any level, as long as it's purposeful.
    • What does it mean to be a good teacher today?
    • TPACK can be distributed across teachers

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