Wednesday 24 April 2013

Alan Lavine presentation at UWCSEA - Digital Storytelling

In my job it seems I am aware of so many things around tech but I don't get to go in depth in these things. This year, I have gotten a chance to work with faculty with digital storytelling. So when I heard that Alan Levine, , was coming to UWCSEA I made a point to be there.

I have been following Alan and his blog for some time and I do like his thinking so I knew I would get something out of his talk. It was a timely session for me because I was running the iMovie sessions for a teacher course the next week. Here are some of my new learnings and ideas from the session:

  1. Why is Video so hard to teach? Andrew Lin and the 5 Shot Redux
  2. Get in the habit of tagging and giving information on uploads - always add captions, notes to photos, map it, pop up note on the flickr images with hyperlinks
  3. Creative commons attribution helper - an extension you add to your browser but this led me to a another one - OpenAttribute . Easy to use and I am going to teach these guys all the time!!
  4. Look for great project ideas on his ds106  - A new area is The Daily Create which is a space for spontaneous creativity.
  5. Use for some great images!
  6. Video Story problems - AWESOME!
  7. Orange Slices Video - No audio but powerful
  8. Kurt Vonnegut on the Shapes of Stories - Freytag pyramid for the standard formula for screenplay 
  9. Paul Zak: Empathy, Neurochemistry and the Dramatic Arc - Distress and Empathy make a difference
  10. Nancy Duarte - Effective Speeches
  11. Lost flash drive - Remixed and Then Returned
  12. Many Eyes and GapMinder -  Data Visualization 
  13. Upping your image IQ - A wiki resource Alan made to help find visuals

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