Sunday 13 October 2013

Learning 2.013 Conference - UWCSEA Singapore

Learning 2.013 conference took place on the beautiful UWCSEA East Campus this year with the theme of Learn, Design, Play. Here are some resources of things I learned that I did not know much about

Learning in the Making - you will see additional resources for making - arduino, makeymakey, squishy circuits, rasberry pi

Games in Education - I really liked this session about the stories behind games and how students can easily make their own! Great ideas for a Writing and Games Integration course

Schools and Balance - this guy is great!  A counselor who is focused on balance with students. Lots of ideas generated in this session!

I was involved in a project called Apple Orchards which combined students from SAS and UWCSEA to get involved in a person passion project. Students presented on topics from taking notes with digital drawing devices, using pictures to make subjects more meaningful, bringing music into your classes, and games to help you learn at this project. This was supported by different Apple Distinguished Educators - ADE from the 2 schools. The students met 2 Saturdays and defined their passions and put together a presentation for the Learning 2.013 conference. I learned again how hard it is for students to create something that is not outlined nor defined for them. They struggled but seemed to be very proud of their final outcome. Here is an album capturing the learning on those Saturdays and presenting at the conference.

Another cool thing that happened at this conference was the involvement of our student tech help team - Digital Frontiers who supported the attendees. The students who supported were the seniors of our team and became role models for the younger student helpers.

Next year Learning 2.014 will take place at NIST in Thailand. The group is also forming a Learning 2.014 in Addis Ababa.

I earned my first digital badges from this conference! See them at this Link!

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