Monday 9 June 2014

Video Games here I come!

Next year I will be facilitating (teaching) a course in the HS called Digital Game Development with the help of DigiPen, an institution that develops game designers, graphic artists, computer scientists, animators and offers other digital expertise. I will be doing a course in July to help me to understand the content of delivering a course such as this. I have not been a gamer but I believe that I understand the nuances of games from hanging around all the techies I hang out, Digital Frontier members and the serious gamer in the family, Dagan my son. So I have decided to do 2 things in June:
  1. Play Games!
    • I ran across from iTunes essential, a Game Tutor. They said that if I play these games in
      order that will help me to gain skills and techniques to be a gamer.
    • Games for Learning in Steam - Portal 2 and Dream are 2 games recommended to me by Carson. I am also learning about other games that come on sale in Steam.
    • The Room - Dagan's newest iPad game that he loves. We will talk about this game during the summer as we both play, or as I get help from him as I struggle through.
  2. Read books from Gaming Gurus and learn about gaming
My plan will be to able to reflect on these 2 areas as I engage in them.

Let the Games BEGIN!

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